Faith, Personal

Rest and Worship

“The thing” this year it seems is, instead of making New Years Resolutions, to pick a word for the year (Rachel on Lil Light ‘O Mine and BooMama are two good examples).

My first word for 2014 is REST.  Over the past few months I’ve been feeling a pulling to step back and really have a Sabbath.  I feel that I’ve run myself ragged and I’m not leaving the margin in my life that God asks and demands us to have.  In our life it’s not always possible to have an entire day of rest.  I mean, when you’re teaching four year old Sunday School, Sunday’s are anything but restful!  And I began to wonder about just implementing a restful period in each day or each week and whether that would help me refresh enough.

While I haven’t been successful every week, I’ve found that those weeks when I take time to leave everything “undone” for a little while and just nourish my soul I end up having a better week.  Sometimes this means reading the Bible, sometimes it means watching a movie, sometimes it’s just taking a nap.  But by closing off all my “to-do’s” and forgetting the dishes and laundry and myriad other tasks that are a constant around the house, I’m able to give myself a little margin to breathe again and remember who I am and, most importantly, WHOSE I am.  And my life works much better when I remember those things.

So, my first word for 2014 is REST.  And it doesn’t necessarily mean sleep since we all know I’ll be missing out on a lot of that shortly.  And it doesn’t mean neglecting the things I’m in charge of or being lazy.  It just means that I’m going to strive to let go of those things that aren’t my responsibility and rest in the goodness of God’s grace.  Daily — hopefully — but definitely weekly or as often as I can.  I think Matthew 11:28 and 29 make a good case for having a time of rest and how it can help us.

Matthew 11 28 and 29

Jesus asks us to “learn from him” (emphasis mine) and he will give us rest.  I can’t think of a better model for my life than Jesus Christ.

And Psalm 100:2 and 3 offer a great explanation of my second word, WORSHIP.

Psalm 100 2 and 3

Both WORSHIP and REST tie hand in hand because, by worshipping God with time spent in his Word and listening to him daily, I am constantly reminded that God made me and that I am his.  Which, in turn, helps me rest peacefully in his hands because I know that He is God, not me.

2014 is going to be crazy for our family, there’s no doubt about that.  With a new little girl on the way, our big girl starting kindergarten, and a crazy two year old little boy, things are not ever going to be quiet.  But even in the loud and crazy and fun and joyful and wonderful that is our life, I can remember to REST in God and WORSHIP him and I know that my year will be so much better for that.

I’d love to hear if you made resolutions or chose words! Leave a link to a post or tweet or just your goals or words in the comments!  And both of these images are free to download by clicking the image!

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