Charlotte, Family, Hadley

The rest of June

I feel like I went to rarely posting photos of our family to only posting photo’s of our family.  I’m sure that the blog will balance itself out again once school gets going but right now there’s a lot of together time and a lot of picture opportunities that I don’t want to forget.

June seemed to fly by with all of Charlotte’s camps and our continued sleep deprival.  We managed to fit a lot of fun into one little month!

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KayKay and GrandDavid came over.  I think this was the first time that GrandDavid had gotten to see Hadley since she was born!

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Sibling shots require a lot of bribing these days but they’re worth it!


Hadley took lots of naps



Jason took Charlotte and James out to walk up 18 with Papa and the group one Sunday afternoon.  I think the kids had fun!  Charlotte insisted on “posing” for the pictures.


I got to spend one on one time with my little boy while Sissy was at various camps and baby Sissy was napping.  He’s so much fun right now!


Hadley went to Rosie’s for the first time


The big kids spent the weekend with KayKay and GrandDavid (thank you so much!) and so we enjoyed a nice dinner out.  Hadley obliged by sleeping in her car seat the whole time.


Hadley took her first nap in her crib




And on the rare occasions that I actually took a shower, got dressed, and put on makeup I tried to take as many pictures as we could! One day in June I put on some white jeans and a tank and went to get Charlotte up from nap one day.  When I walked in she said, “Mommy, you’re so fancy!” I looked at my outfit and said, “Not really, but thanks.”  Charlotte said, “Well, I guess you just haven’t gotten dressed in a while….”

And that pretty much sums up our June.  I spent most of it in my jammies but we had fun!

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