
How to spend less time in your inbox

Jenn Elwell - Canned Responses - Spend Less Time In Your InboxEmail. We all have a ton of it. And it never quits growing.
Like laundry that multiples, as soon as you get your inbox cleaned out all of a sudden you have new emails requiring a response.

While you can reduce the time suck that email can be by setting up an autoresponder, only checking it periodically throughout the day, and using filtering, eventually those emails will have to be handled. And the majority are likely to require a response from you.

But do most of them require a unique response from you?

Just like there’s nothing new under the sun, unique responses to email are less frequent than responses that can be only slightly modified to apply to the email.

To make responding to those emails that are asking the same thing over and over again, I utilize canned responses in Gmail (and on Etsy!). Here’s how you can implement them in your inbox as well.

Enter your email and name below to receive written instructions for implementing canned responses as well as get my actual snippets that you can swipe for your own business.

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