
September 11

I was in Dr. Davis’ Chamber Choir class when the Twin Towers were hit. I heard the news when I left class walking to Mrs. Black’s AP English class. I saw the first footage on the tv in Mrs. Daniels’ class. Just like our parents remember where they were when they found out that John F Kennedy had been shot, we will always remember where we were when we found out about the terrorist attack on our country.

I wasn’t planning on doing a tribute today. I haven’t been to New York since the towers fell and I haven’t seen Ground Zero. While I am a huge proponent of the War on Terror and the need to rid the world of the horrible terrorists that would kill so many innocent people, I don’t have a real personal story about the attacks and so I wasn’t going to share.

But just now in my Google Reader I saw a blog post by Mary Katherine Ham of The Weekly Standard and I felt the need to share that post with you as well as the link to Project 2,996. Project 2,996 is a project devoted to honoring each of the men and women that died on September 11, 2001 in the terrorist attacks against our country. It is an amazing site full of posts written by amazing people who are honoring the men and women who lost their lives because they went to work that day or were out running errands. I wanted to share because those people and their families deserve to be remembered by us. They deserve the tribute and the honor. Just like the men and women serving our country today deserve to be thanked for protecting us, these families deserve to be remembered because they made a sacrifice too, albeit one that they didn’t choose to make.

Go and read some of the tributes of these fallen Americans. I promise you that you will be touched. That you will remember how precious your family and loved ones are. And than you will be thankful for all that has happened to try and prevent this from happening again. May God bless us all and God bless America.

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1 Comment

  1. Reply
    September 12, 2009 at 2:48 pm

    Thanks for sharing, Jennifer!

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