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Charlotte, Family, Hadley, Kid Activities

In Other October News

Wrapping up the month of October were a lot of fun events.

Charlotte and James spent some time at KayKay and GrandDavid’s while Jason was out of town. This included a trip to the river park and seeing a train which they are still talking about.



Lots of sibling fun time.


Hadley started getting control of her torso and got better at sitting up.


My girl has insisted on picking out her own clothes since she was two and I rarely intervene (see previous post for the exception). I love how she has her own style and I especially love when her style matches up with mine. She looked so cute in this outfit that I couldn’t resist a picture before school. She is beautiful inside and out and I’m so thankful that I get to be her Mom.


Since baseball season was wrapping up that meant that James was all baseball, all the time. He got interested in the catchers around this time and started wearing his helmet around like a catcher. I don’t know if he’ll end up playing baseball but he’s sure cute playing it!


And this sweet girl loved bath time and I couldn’t get enough of her blue eyes.



Charlotte, Family, Hadley, Personal

Papa’s Party

This year’s football season coincided with multiple family birthday’s. Papa’s happened to be on the day of the game with Texas A&M. It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed spending it with our family celebrating Papa as well as the Tide.



On the way to our pre-game festivities we stopped in front of the new Alpha Chi house for a picture. This picture just shows two of the three front porticos. It’s gigantic and absolutely gorgeous on the inside and out.



I bought coordinating outfits for the kids back in the summer and had been waiting on it to be cool enough for James’ long pant one piece and Charlotte’s three quarter dress. There was some drama on one of the children’s part getting dressed but I’m so glad I persevered and insisted on the outfits because the pictures turned out beautifully!



Miss Lindsey stopped by to hang out and was so sweet to run around and play with the kids. I am so thankful that we still get to connect occasionally!



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Hadley and I ran home to feed her and then rejoined Charlotte, James, and Jason at the game. It ended up being a wonderful day all the way around!


Charlotte, Family

Pumpkin’ Pickin’

We took advantage of the off football weekend at the beginning of October to make our trek to the Pumpkin Patch. We have gone to the same one every year but one since Charlotte was one (2010, 2011, 2012) and were excited to continue the tradition this year. The sky was blue with nary a cloud in sight and the temperatures were mild so we couldn’t have asked for a better day.


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The air pillow was a huge hit this year. Both Charlotte and James would have stayed on it for hours if we had let them. And they both got just as much fun out of falling as they did bouncing!

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After they had bounced their hearts out they took a ride on the corn train.

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And then it was time to head out to pick out some pumpkins!

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We ended up going home with a ridiculous amount of pumpkins and also with wonderful memories. I’m already looking forward to running after all three of them next year!


Family, Travel

Watersound the Beautiful

At the end of September we were blessed with the opportunity to meet my parents at the beach in Watersound, Florida. We stayed at the magnificent home of some friends and enjoyed a wonderful few days relaxing on the beach and, the kids favorite, in the hot tub.

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If you’ve never been to Watersound, they have an 18 hole putt putt course called Puttering Park that is the neatest thing. It is PERFECT for little boys and a great way to pass time on cloudy days or when your son isn’t a big fan of the sand or water.





James took his golfing very seriously. The first time he went with Mom and Dad and made a sandy birdie (birdie from the bunker) and was so proud of himself. Also, after he would sink a putt he would take off his hat and hold it up like he was acknowledging the crowd. Absolutely precious!

James also found an aviation bear in the house and fell in love with him. I’m still looking for a similar one to surprise him with!


We did get down to the beach every day. By the end of our trip even James was getting at least his toes wet in the water. Hadley came down and napped in the beach tent and Charlotte really enjoyed bouncing around in the waves. Jason and I got to spend some two on one time with just Charlotte down at the beach one day that was wonderful. The downside to having three kids is that you rarely get to spend time with just one of them and our kids are so delightful that when we get a chance to focus on just them we really enjoy it.







The kids started asking when we were going back before we left and they haven’t stopped since we’ve been home. We loved Watersound and the laid back feel of the community! It had been two and a half years since we’d been to the beach as a family. We sure hope that it won’t be that long before our next trip back!

Charlotte, Family, Hadley

Catching Up

Once October rolled around this fall, Tales of a Peanut ramped up and I literally spent every free or semi-free moment working on new designs, orders, and other business “stuff”. Which is great and I loved it but it leaves me here now without having blogged about the entire fall. And since I use the blog as my scrapbook I kind of want to catch up. So, please excuse me over the next few weeks while I try to catch up and try to get back in the blogging routine. I have big plans for the shop and the blog for this year and hope to get them going soon also!

So, let’s rewind the clock back to September….

James got a set of real golf clubs for his birthday from us. To say that he was excited would be an understatement. He immediately wanted to go hit some balls.

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Sissy rode her bike while James golfed.

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We headed to Tuscaloosa for gameday on James’ actual birthday. We had a great day celebrating James and he enjoyed more presents and more birthday excitement. Although, he might have been more excited about the game than his birthday by that point. As a downer on the day, Charlotte got sick that night and then the fire alarm in the condo went off and we all had to evacuate to the parking lot for a while after the kids had gone to sleep. They’re still talking about that! But, overall, we had a great day celebrating James turning three!

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We headed back down to Tuscaloosa the next weekend after a very long week while Jason, Memma, and Papa were all out of town. Charlotte took her first of many pictures with the Sparkly Cheerleaders this season (that fascination has not waned in the slightest) and Hadley got her first game attendance of the year.

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Hadley continued to grow like a week this month and both Charlotte and James grew a lot also. James also either got tired of me only taking pictures of Hadley or got more interested in her because he asked me to take this picture of the two of them one morning.


Coming up next…our trip to Watersound!

First Year Months, Hadley

Our Growing, Growing Girl

HGE 7 months

Hadley girl,

It’s hard to believe that it’s now closer to your first birthday that it is to when you were born. This first year of your life is passing in the blink of an eye and I’m out of breath just trying to keep up. While these pictures were taken on your seven month birthday and I’m writing this from notes I made on that day, this post is obviously very late. December has been full to the brim and I’m so glad that we were able to add you to our family this year!

At seven months you are all over the place. You’re army crawling everywhere and can get somewhere fast. You are no longer content just to stay on a blanket but can crawl off of one almost as soon as I put you on it. Because of that I’ve started to let you crawl around on the floor even though my germaphobic tendencies have me cringing almost the entire time you’re down there. In good news, I’m cleaning our floors more often than I ever have before and I’m also telling myself that you’re just building your immunity.

That doesn’t seem to be the case though (I’m sure they’re not really related) but this past month you got your first ear infection. The cold of doom descended upon our family after the Homecoming game and after a few weeks of a runny nose and a yucky cough you finally succumbed to an ear infection. Numbing drops made you more comfortable and you celebrated your seven month birthday on your first round of antibiotics. Here’s hoping that they kicked it for good and we won’t have to worry about another one for a while.

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During this past month you celebrated your first Thanksgiving and stayed through your first full football game versus Mississippi State. You are a very go-with-the-flow kind of girl and are happy pretty much all the time. We weaned you off of your reflux meds this month and you did fine without them. You are still spitting up some though but I guess that will just go away with a little more time.

You love baby food and are eating veggies now. You open your mouth as soon as I sit them down in front of you and will eat an entire container in one sitting. Right now you’ve tried peas, green beans, squash, and carrots and have loved them all.

You weighed 14.1 pounds on December 1st at the doctor. We think you’re growing so big but you’re really still very very tiny compared to other babies your age. I don’t really understand that though because you’re wearing 6-9 month clothes so the fashion industry doesn’t think you’re small! Our doctor says that you’re just perfect though and you sleep and eat good and are developing wonderfully so that’s all that matters.

You are still in a size 2 diaper and eat at 7am, 11am, 2:30pm, 5:30pm, and 7:45pm with naps between all of those except after the 5:30pm feeding. On the rare occasions that we get to sleep late you will sleep until we wake you up, sometimes as late as 8 am! And I wake you up at 7am in the morning’s so that we can get Charlotte and James up, fed, and to school. You, and me, would prefer we slept later in the mornings.



You are babbling up a storm these days with lots of sounds that sound like words. You have noticed the tv when it’s on and you’re up and also love interacting with all of us but especially with Charlotte and James. You squeal and giggle when they do silly things and smile so big when you see any of your people.

This month you also got a new nickname: Hadley monster. I don’t really remember the story behind it…Daddy gave it to you, but it’s stuck and we all call you Hadley monster some. I promise, if it sticks, that it is all out of love kind of like Cookie Monster loves cookies, calling you Hadley monster means we love Hadley.

We love you so much Hadley!
