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Charlotte, Family, Friends, Holidays, Personal


Happy Halloween!
We had a great Halloween! It started out with some fun Trick or Treating from our cousins….

And then a photo shoot with the cutest Strawberry that I’ve ever seen!

She didn’t even seem to mind her costume! I think since it was on top of a onesie and tights she didn’t really notice it except when the hat fell over her eyes or her body came up over her chin! 🙂

Then our friends, Kelly, Tripp, and Caroline came over to go Trick or Treating with us and enjoy dinner! We loved taking pictures with the Fairy Princess and the Strawberry. I’m sure that this will be the first of many Halloween pictures taken of these two precious girls!

After a mini photo shoot at our house we headed out to Trick or Treat around the neighborhood. Thankfully, Memma and Papa G let us borrow their golf cart so we were riding in style even if Kelly and I were a little scared on the seats in the back!

After Trick or Treating we went home to enjoy some Taco Soup and The Other Mama’s Microwave Apple Crisp! Yummy! It was a great night with great friends! We hope your Halloween was as wonderful as ours!
Charlotte, Family, Friends, Holidays, Personal

Holiday Slim Down and Halloween Cards

Well, I’ve kind of been hiding from the Holiday Slim Down. The 30 Day Shred brought back an old injury to my elbow and so I put the kibosh on that for a week or two to try and heal if before restarting a modified version. And it’s pretty much rained every day for the last two weeks so we haven’t really gotten to walk. However, to my surprise, when I got on the scale this morning I was down two pounds! I have been trying to eat healthier overall with more fruits and veggies and I guess that and a small increase in stress level has helped. Yay! But tomorrow I restart the modified Shred and hopefully that will jump start everything even more.

We enjoyed a delightful weekend at home this weekend. Thankfully, Bama pulled out a pretty stunning game (minus the first quarter which I am attributing almost exclusively to wind) and we got to enjoy it and then have a send off party for my cousin who is about to leave for two years on a mission trip to Brazil. Talk about brave! I am so proud to be related to her! I had a hard enough time leaving to go work in Washington for four weeks after my sophomore year in college, I could never leave for two years! When she gets her blog up and running I’ll make sure and share it so that y’all can pray for her trip with us.

Today I dressed Charlotte in her Halloween onesie and took pictures for the Halloween card. What, you don’t send out Halloween cards?!?! And you think I’m crazy because I’m going to?!? 🙂 I’m guessing that you might not have had your first child in the age where making online digital photo cards at places like Shutterfly is so easy! Anyway, here are a few of our outtakes. Once I get the actual cards in I’ll show you the finished product. Took literally 5 minutes and Jason’s picking them up at Target on his way home! I love my treat bag! Too bad I’m falling in to it!
I wish I could lift this!

Charity, Family, Friends, Holidays

All for Charity

I realized while I was looking through pictures this morning that I never blogged about a recent charity event that we went to. It is held yearly and benefits the NICU. It’s a fun night out with a silent auction all benefiting a great cause!

Kelly, me, and Jenni
Kelly with her Raggedy Ann that she won for Caroline 🙂

Raggedy Ann sitting on the chair that we won for Charlotte!

Family, Friends, Holidays

Weekend Update

First things first, I keep missing my milestone posts! This is my 202nd post! I can’t believe that I’ve said so much in the past 11 months! I guess it has been a pretty exciting year but still. Anyway, thank you for reading my blog! I hope that you’re enjoying it and that you’ll keep reading long after Charlotte arrives.

And now on to our weekend….

As I’m sure you remember we went to dinner with our good friends Kelly and Tripp and Jenni and Travis on Friday. We had a lot of fun! It was a little difficult to choose the kinds of cheese and sauce and chocolate that we wanted but the girls managed. The guys gracefully backed down and let the ladies make the selections which was greatly appreciated! 🙂 Our favorite course was, of course, the chocolate but it was a really fun dinner. We were glad that we got to spend it with such good friends!

Kelly and Tripp

Kelly and Jenni

On Saturday, Jason and I apparently forgot that I was 35 weeks pregnant and worked really hard and for a really long time in the garage. Ok, ok, Jason worked really hard and I was outside supervising. But, I tell you, just sitting outside in the heat is a lot of work when you’re this pregnant! Anyway, cleaning out the garage had been on the to do list approximately two years since we moved in to our house. Charlotte finally became the catalyst for us to get it done. I so wish that we had taken before pictures so that you could see the transformation but you’ll just have to take my word for it. We spent two hours at Lowe’s getting a metal shelf system and pegboard. Everything was taken out and the whole place was swept. Now we have so much room in the garage! It’s fantastic!

But, by Saturday night, we were exhausted. It was still taking it’s toll on me today and I had to crash and take a nap this afternoon. But Jason got right back out there and mowed the back yard. And planted this beautiful Lollipop Gerber Daisy plant in the planter in the back. They are these huge daisies that I just love! I hope that it blooms all summer!

I went to the grocery store this afternoon and am about to try my hand at Creamy Shrimp with Corn and Bacon. If it’s good it will be Recipe Wednesday this week. Let’s keep our fingers crossed because Charlotte is hungry! 🙂

We’re looking forward to our appointment on Wednesday to see if I’ve started progressing at all. If so I guess we need to get our car seat installed and start packing our bags. It’s crazy how time has flown to get us to this point! Have a great week!