Charlotte, Family

December happenings

In order to try and catch up quickly I’m just going to post a hodge podge of pictures from the month of December leading up to Christmas.  Please excuse the long post and multiple pictures!

After being introduced to her hat before we went to Santa’s Village, Charlotte didn’t want to take it off and wore it around the house for a day or two.  With it and her flannel jammies she wasn’t getting cold!

James has really mastered his head control and does well with torso control too! Before we know it he’ll be a rolling and sitting machine!

Charlotte’s imagination is in overdrive.  As evidenced by this picture where she was “being a ghost”…

and this one where she was being a “draggin-fly” by dragging herself across the floor!

James got to try out his Bumbo for the first time and did a great job with it!

Later, Charlotte continued to encourage him during his tummy time and then promptly…

stole his Bumbo for herself.  It’s now her favorite place to sit and she says a lot that she had a pink one when she was little.

Serious James in his elf jammies.

Serious Charlotte too.
Before we took Christmas card pictures at my parents, I wanted to make sure that the outfit I had on looked ok on camera.  So Charlotte agreed to take some pictures with me and they turned out so cute!

After the Christmas card picture I bribed Charlotte with two M&M’s before dinner if she would hold James and take a picture in their matching Just Ducky Santa outfits.  I think that bribe was well worth it!

James also went to church for the first time this month.  He did great and slept through the entire service in his car seat!  It was a little crazy taking two little ones to the service (Charlotte just loves the music and is really good so it’s hard to make her go to the nursery that she doesn’t really enjoy) but we managed somehow and were glad to get back in the groove.
Jamesy and I went and hung out with Gramme one morning
Charlotte enjoyed her last day of school for 2011.  When I picked her up she had stickers in her hair and told me that she was being “fancy” like Fancy Nancy!

We had our annual Christmas party in mid-December and our friends Kelly and Tripp came up for it.  They brought their new little girl, Catherine, and we were so excited that we finally were going to get to meet her!  She was just as precious as I expected and she and James hit it right off.  We were glad that we got to spend some time with them and look forward to seeing them again this spring!
James remained a happy baby even though he got his first ear infection.  He kept Memma up most of the night when he spent the first night away from us.  But we got him to the doctor and got him numbing drops and after a switch to a different antibiotic he was much happier.  This smile is one day two of his new meds.  Once he got those he was back to his happy self.

Charlotte fell and busted her lip a few days before Christmas.  Thankfully it healed pretty quickly and hopefully she learned her lesson about horsing around like that.

Charlotte became obsessed with two bracelets that KayKay made for her.  She was being silly on this day playing with them and posing for me with them!

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