
Royal Fluff Diapers – Product Review

Well, I’ve somehow managed to leave my review of Royal Fluff diapers to the last minute, so I interrupt my Thanksgiving posts with a review about these cloth diapers.

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I was contacted in September about doing a review of Royal Fluff diapers for Zulily.  I was interested to try them out since I’ve always wondered if I’m missing out on a big money saver with cloth diapers but it’s hard to spend the money just to try them.  They are touted as being a big money saver, but they sure do have some steep start up costs! I agreed to the review and Zulily and Royal Fluff sent me two reusable diapers in James’ size and I recently tried them out with him.

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James is pretty picky when I change things up and so I was afraid that he would be upset when he saw that I put on the Race Car diaper instead of his regular disposable one.  But instead of being upset, he LOVED it!  He kept pointing to the cars and talking about his new diaper.  And when I asked if it was comfy he said, “Yeah, comfy!”

Putting the diaper on was very easy but I was concerned that it was going to add a lot of bulk under his pants.  I found that even though the diaper looks much bulkier than a disposable one looked when sitting them side by side, once on it was basically the same amount of bulk as with a disposable diaper.

We were headed out of the house a little while after I put on the diaper and I had intended to change him out of the cloth diaper.  While he was wearing it while playing he seemed to like it and it seemed like it was comfortable.  But I was still surprised when I told him that we were going to go change his diaper and he started crying, “No change diaper! Keep race car diaper! No change diaper!”  He wouldn’t take it off!

Thankfully he hadn’t gone to the bathroom yet and so we were able to let him wear it out and just change him when we got home.  As luck would have it, when we got home we had a big diaper situation on our hands.  It turned out good for the review though, because I’ve got some first hand knowledge of dirty diapers in reusable diapers!

The Royal Fluff diaper didn’t leak any more than the disposable diapers that we typically use, and James never seemed uncomfortable which he can sometimes get in disposable diapers after he has a dirty diaper.  The diaper and the insert did both get dirty though so this wouldn’t have been a situation where I could have just changed the insert.

The downside was the cleanup of the diaper.  From reading the FAQ’s on the Royal Fluff website, they suggest that you just throw the dirty diapers and inserts in the wash and let the washer rinse everything off in a rinse cycle.  I ended up cleaning off as much of the dirty diaper as I could before throwing it all in the wash.  Being a first timer, this whole process seemed cumbersome and, honestly, dirty, to me, but I’m guessing that if I did it every day it would get better.

Overall, I would say that James loved the diaper.  He said it was comfy and felt good.  And I felt better putting the fleece and microfiber terry cloth on him than the paper disposable diapers.  However, I’m still not totally sold on the cleaning process and whether the increased loads of laundry and time spent would make up the price and convenience of disposables.  I’m going to do more research before Percy arrives in May and see if we might switch to reusable diapers for Percy, but since we’re nearing the end (hopefully!) of diapers with James I’m not going to switch for him right now.

If you’re interested in Royal Fluff diapers, Zulily has them on sale for the next two days and, roughly, 10ish hours.  The prices on Zulily are more than half off so even if you want to just get a few to try this would be a good way to test them!

Disclosure: I was provided Royal Fluff diapers to review and write about.  All opinions are my own.  Affiliate links are used in this post.  Please see my link/review disclosures for more information.

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1 Comment

  1. […] give you a little background, other than my cloth diaper review back in the winter, we have never attempted them.  When I think of how much money we’ve […]

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