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Faith, Uncategorized

Reconciling Myself with Mercy

Our church did a sermon series this summer using Disney hits as illustrations of the Beatitudes.  As outrageous as it might sound, we have magnificent staff that have turned these Sunday morning’s into thought-provoking and challenging looks at the Beatitudes and what it means to be a follower of Christ.  I was especially moved by the sermon by Wren on “Mercy” using The Pirates of the Caribbean.  So moved in fact that it’s taken me months to get this post actually finished.

Just to refresh your memory, let’s look at Matthew 5:7: “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.”

I don’t know about you but showing mercy doesn’t come easy to me.  I’ve mentioned before that I have a hard time giving others grace and an even harder time giving myself grace.  A lot of times in this fallen world, I equate mercy with acceptance.  I take the mistaken stand that if I extend mercy to this sinner, then I’m condoning their action.

If someone hurts me, and I forgive them and show them mercy, how are they going to learn?

If someone breaks a rule and I show mercy, what’s to stop everyone from breaking the rules?

But the fallacy lies in the fact that (1) I am not their judge and (2) don’t I wish to be shown mercy for my actions — I am far from perfect?

Wren talked about The Holy Island monastery in the UK and how they were set up as a very rigid organization that had an abundance of rules and stiff penalties for any who broke them.  There was one monk who broke the rules by rising too early in the morning and starting his morning praises to God before the appointed time.  He was being asked to leave the monastery by the monk in charge because of his dis-obedience.  Another former leader of the monastery took off his outer robe and spoke up in the man’s defense saying that if the young monk was going to be asked to leave, then he would need to leave to because he too was a sinner.

In looking at this story we see that the leader had given his life to the law.  He was living and acting on the premise that his salvation was conditional on his obedience.  But God says that we aren’t to give our lives to the law, but to him.

“For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 5:20

Following the rules won’t get us anywhere.  Only by accepting Christ and repenting of our sins and accepting God’s rule in our hearts and lives, will we be able to enter “the kingdom of heaven” that Christ spoke of.

We are to totally change our lives and run wholeheartedly towards Jesus knowing that there are things that God asks us to do and rules that he asks us to follow, but our salvation is not conditional on us meeting those qualifications perfectly, because we never will.

Wren reminded us that each and every one of us matter.  God loves us regardless of our sins.  But this verse, Matthew 5:7, says that those who show mercy will receive mercy.  Doesn’t this seem a little contradictory to the idea that we have already received mercy and that we can’t earn our salvation?

It does seem like that, but in actuality, our freedom in Christ’s death frees us from the law and frees us to show mercy to others.  We have to be his hands and feet by being his salt and light.  We have to show mercy like God has shown it to us.  We need to ask and seek where we can truly be merciful.  We need to use our lives to reflect God’s grace by showing the mercy that he has given us to others.

What freedom in understanding that.  What relief at recognizing that God doesn’t have me on a scale weighing my sins versus my positive actions.  And if God is not doing that to me, why in the world would I do it to myself or someone else?

Do you have any verses that you go back to when you’re struggling with showing yourself or others mercy? I’d love to hear them!


Personal, Uncategorized

Friday Peanuts

Friday Peanuts

I find that I keep emailing myself links to articles or items that I see online and love.  I keep books that I’ve finished in my Kindle app long after I’ve finished them because I want to share.  And I have a big stack of recipes to share that I never get around to.  So, in an effort to share some of the things that I’m loving right now, I’m going to jump into a Friday Favorite’s/Friday Five routine so that I can share some of this with you.  And, I’m going to call my version “Friday Peanuts”.  No real rhyme or reason why, I just like it.  🙂  It probably won’t be every Friday, but hopefully a lot of them.  And, unless specifically noted, NO links are affiliate links.


1. Books that I’ve read recently and loved:

Southern Fried Sushi by Jennifer Rogers Spinola (and the 2nd book, Like Sweet Potato Pie, and the 3rd, Till Grits Do Us Part) – great series that was very interesting, it gets tense in the last book so be aware that it’s not your typical romantic fiction

Let Them Eat Cake by Sandra Byrd (and Bon Appetit and Piece de Resistance) – my love for this series might have something to do with my love of Paris, but I thought they were well written and interesting in addition to having great scenes in Paris!

Once Upon a Prince by Rachel Hauck (anxiously awaiting book #2 Princess Ever After which released in Feb 2014) – if you love the Cambridge’s like I do this is a fun book to read.  Maybe this will happen to Charlotte and George?!?

Out of the Spin Cycle: Devotions to Lighten Your Mother Load by Jen Hatmaker – I read this straight through like a book and it was phenomenal.  I couldn’t put it down and found it so refreshing and validating and helpful!


2. Recipes that I’ve tried recently and loved:

nutella pretzel brownies Web

Nutella Pretzel Brownies by Chef in Training – so unbelievably delicious!  You HAVE to try these if you love salty and sweet!


3. Articles/posts that I’ve read recently and loved:

Dream Bathrooms Don’t Have Ugly Light Fixtures on CNN (recognize photo #12?!?!)

My brother-in-law and sister-in-law’s beautiful wedding photos

A Tantrum for My Transformation by Christina Fox on desiringGod

Portion by Angie Smith

Great article about an Alabama boy who used to live down the street from me way back when.  He and his wife have always been top notch.


4. Products I’m putting on my Christmas list:

One of these custom house ornaments from LittleMissDressUp

Anything from Hilary Butler Fine Art

This still life called Starlight by Janet Hill Studio would be a nice start to a fashion wall in our closet.


5. General loves that don’t fit into the other categories (i.e. business related, kids, etc.):

Blog Month for Compassion starts in September.  Be on the lookout for my posts and other bloggers who will be participating.  You can also join in by going to the blog and checking out the guidelines.  We have a big heart for Compassion and have recently met a young woman who was a Compassion child growing up.  I’m hoping to get to share her story with you during the month!

Building Buzz for your Startup

Charlotte is obsessed with the glitter crayons that she got for her first day of school present.  If you didn’t know these existed (like me!) and your daughter loves sparkles (like mine!) get her some of these to be hero of the year!



Linking up with the good life blog

We’re racking our brains trying to come up with present ideas for James for his 2nd birthday.  Anyone have any ideas they want to share?!?!  Or any favorites? I’d love to check them out!


Happy Birthday Mom!

I always knew that I had a wonderful Mom but now that I’m a mother I can’t even wrap my mind around how fantastic she is.  She has always been my biggest fan and done everything that she could to support me.  I can never explain how thankful I am that God made me her daughter.  I am so extremely blessed!  And the only thing better than having her as my mom is my kids having her as their Memma.
I love you Mom!
Happy Birthday!

TalesOfAPeanut, Uncategorized

Mother’s Day Freebie

As you might have noticed in my goals for this year, one of the items was to start an Etsy store.  I’m working on getting one set up to offer paper products like invitations, name cards, etc like those that you’ve been seeing on the blog for a while.  While I was working on things for the store this week I thought I’d make a graphic of one of my favorite Bible verses to print and give to my Mom for Mother’s Day.  I thought you might enjoy it also so, enjoy downloading it and remember to thank your Mom for all that she’s done for you!

You can download the file here.


Still here…somewhat

I’m still here, but this move is kicking my tail.  Last week we spent the entire week moving various parts of our stuff and spent our first night in the new house last Thursday.  Since then a major cold/sinus infection/some kind if crud has kicked in and I’ve been feeling way under the weather.  So I’m still trying to dig out of boxes and get adjusted to life just the four of us again.  In the time between now and whenever I get a coherent post up again, here are some pictures to tide you over!

The stainless folding counter over the washer and dryer has already come in so handy!

Dining room with table and lots of boxes on move-in day

Charlotte’s room is pretty girly!

And she is enjoyed having such a fun space to “play quietly in her room”.

Our still disorganized but at least somewhat grouped pantry

And Charlotte has been putting her stuffed dog, Whitey, in different places in our room and bathroom (shown here) throughout the days.  It is kind of creepy because it looks like it’s really watching you and has startled me more than once!

30 for 30

Today marks Jason’s 30th birthday.  It’s hard to believe that he is 30 and I am not very far behind.  This age used to seem ancient and now it seems so young.  I am so thankful that this is the thirteenth birthday that I’ve gotten to spend with Jason.  It’s funny thinking back on that first one when he was turning 18 and we had only been dating for about a month.  My have times changed since then!  And I am so glad that they have.

March 2001

March 2004

March 2009

January 2013

Even though words are my love language and not his, I still want to use some to tell him how special he is to us.  Happy Birthday Jason!  I love you!

30 Things I Love About the Jason

1. You’re my best friend and I love talking to you.
2. You are the perfect silly balance to my serious side.
3. You are a morning person which helps combat my non-morning person nature.
4. You’re honest with me about little things (you didn’t want to watch Grey’s Anatomy) to big things.
5. You are a fantastic Dad!
6. You work hard to let me stay home with the kids.
7. You don’t mind doing the dishes or laundry or generally helping me out in whatever way you can.
8. You give me a chance to breathe by myself some on weekends when I’ve been with the kids all week even though you’ve been at work all week.
9. You want all the light switches in a gang of switches to be pointed the same way. (Quirky but it makes me smile.)
10. You have never begrudged me a purchase of clothes or anything else and encourage me to get what I need.
11. Your “spendy” side balances out my “saver” side so that we do enough of both.
12. You love eating out for dinner and don’t mind when I can’t find the energy or inspiration to cook!
13. You still look at me the way you did when you were 17.
14. You were my friend before you were my boyfriend which laid such a great foundation for our marriage.
15. You pray with me and with and for our kids.
16. When I suggested teaching Charlotte’s Sunday School class you didn’t tell me “good luck” but were happy to jump in with me.
17. You don’t mind (or don’t tell me if you do) when I call and text you updates about our day because you want to know how the kids and I are doing.
18. You are so fun to go on vacation with!
19. You always tell me that I’m beautiful, whether I’m dressed up or in sweats with no makeup.
20. You let me listen to what I want when we’re in the car by ourselves.
21. But you also introduce me to new music to broaden my horizons and help us find common ground!
22. You are like a little kid again at a Braves game.
23. You encourage me to take chances and try new things.
24. You are always there when I make mistakes or am upset.
25. You have an opinion on things (i.e. design in the house) and don’t make me make all the decisions.
26. You don’t think that our family is crazy because of our love of Alabama football.
27. You have even a bigger sweet tooth than me which I didn’t think was possible!
28. You read my posts and give me honest feedback on them.
29. You look at my Pinterest just to see what I “really” want for Christmas.
30.  You love God, me, and our family in that order.