
Rolling away

Charlotte has been rolling for a while now. Over the past few weeks she has gotten adept at rolling from her tummy back to her back consistently and now she has become a rolling machine. She loves her Nesting Pod but was occasionally getting up to the side of it and flipping out because she couldn’t go any further. So, we figured, since we were just at home we would lay out our old comforter and let her roll around on it.

She loves it.

Now she rolls from one side of it to the other. Not even in search of an elusive toy or anything, just to roll. It is so funny watching her! A lot of the times when she is rolling from her tummy to her back she just kind of throws herself over and ends up banging her head on the floor in a pretty loud thump. She has yet to cry at it but each time we make a noise or ask if she’s ok and she looks at us like, “What’s the deal? I don’t understand what happened.” It’s cute. 🙂

So last time Jason was down there playing while I was searching Etsy for the perfect Christmas stockings and I grabbed the camera. I love these pictures! Such a fun age! It won’t be long now before she’s a crawling machine but for now I’m enjoying her fairly slow progress from one side of the room to the other. It’s the cutest when she rolls trying to follow Luca!

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