Charlotte, Family, Travel

Rosemary Beach – Day 1

For the past three years Jason and I have felt like parenting failures at times.  Why you ask?  Because our child who lives in a state that is on the Gulf of Mexico had never been to the beach.  So last spring we decided to rectify that oversight and planned a trip for Mother’s Day weekend.  And then April 27th happened and we were without power for a week forcing an impromptu trip to Atlanta and a desire to not leave our house again for a vacation.  
Thankfully, the people that we had rented the condo from were gracious and gave us a year to use our pre-paid vacation.  We scheduled it for the end of April and were excited to introduce both Charlotte and James to the Gulf.  We both have fond memories of going to the beach growing up and while we aren’t really “beach people” who just love going we knew that this would be the first of many trips to the beach as a family.
We left our house bright and early on Saturday morning and started the long drive.  It was only made longer by the fact that we had to stop and feed James twice after we left the house.  We set Charlotte up with the iPad, a bucket of toys, books, and snacks next to her seat, and movies on the dvd player and were off!

I also had a back of tricks in my floorboard that included numerous surprises to dole out over the course of the trip!  First off was this rubbery hedgehog from the Target dollar spot!

Then a set of Sesame Street rhyming cards…

And finally a kitty neck pillow!

We finally got to the condo around 4 and were excited to see our lovely place.  It was two bedrooms, right in the heart of the town and only a block or so off of the beach.  Perfect location and a beautiful place!  Here’s the VRBO listing if you’re interested in booking it yourself!

Before we left we had heard from KayKay that she would recommend letting Charlotte at least see the beach on Saturday even if we couldn’t really play that day.  Apparently she still remembers the trip when she was young to “Florida” where the family stayed inland for a day or two before finally making it to the beach and how disappointed she and her brother and sister were that first night when they weren’t actually AT the beach!
So we followed her, very good!, advice and trekked down to the beach.  Here is Charlotte’s priceless reaction when she saw the Gulf.

We headed down to get those tootsies in the sand!  We were a little unsure if she would like it or not because when she was younger she didn’t really like textured things (remember this finger painting fiasco??) but she loved the sand!

After getting used to the sand she headed down to the water.  Little did we know that this would be the closest that she would get to it for the rest of the trip!

Immediately after this picture she took off and headed back up the beach.  For the rest of the trip she said that she was scared of the waves.  We tried valiantly to convince her that the waves couldn’t hurt her and both got in the water multiple times to show her that it was fine but she wouldn’t buy it.  She spent the rest of the trip content to play in the sand!

After our trip to the beach we headed back to the condo and Jason picked up dinner from Wild Olives.  We ate and started getting ready for bed which we thought would be easy but turned out to be anything but.  If you know Charlotte you know that the typical “slow to warm up” description fits her to a T.  We had done all this prep work about where we were going and what we were going to do but no one had thought to tell her that she wouldn’t be coming back to her own bed each night!

This turned into a meltdown with Charlotte crying that she wanted her bed and wanted to go home and not wanting to get anywhere near going to sleep.  To compound matters we had James’ pack and play set up in her room too so her crying was also keeping James up.  Thankfully Mom had put a nighttime lullaby app on her iPad for Charlotte to use when she spends the night at their house and once I turned it on she pacified herself and fell asleep almost as soon as she calmed down.  She didn’t mind sleeping in her bed the rest of the trip, it was just the newness of the experience that threw her!

Needless to say Saturday was a very long day and Jason and I were both beginning to wonder what we had gotten ourselves in to.  But we headed to bed and woke up on Sunday ready to hit the beach!

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