Family, Kid Growth

Happy Birthday to my little TWO year old!

2013 08 07_0931_edited-1




Happy 2nd Birthday James!

It is unbelievable to me that you are already TWO!!  Where in the world has time gone?!?!  Weren’t you just my teeny tiny peanut of a baby?!?!  Now you are all boy, all over the place, all about fun and making messes.  I love you so much and can’t imagine our lives without you in it!

Since this is your two year post I guess I better talk about what you’re up to these days. I used the picture above on your birthday invitation and even though it took me two weeks for you to give me a good smile, I LOVE this one.  I love that you can see the scrape on your knee which shows that you never slow down.  You actually got that scrape (which lasted for weeks!) when Mrs. Erin was taking our pictures and it didn’t even phase you until we took you inside to clean up the blood running down your leg.  You didn’t mind the scrape, but you sure didn’t want to come inside!

That perfectly describes you right now.  You rarely stop.  You go go go and would rather be outside playing with your golf clubs or baseball tee than anything else.  You naturally picked up a love of sports and love baseball, football, and golf so much.  They are your favorite things to watch on tv and you always want Daddy to throw the ball to you so that you can hit it when we’re playing inside.


But occasionally you do slow down, especially when you have just gotten up.  You stand up when I walk into your room and you immediately say “Rock!” until I pick you up and we rock in your chair.  In the last few weeks you’ve started wanting to read books while we rock.  You will finally sit still enough to read books and we’re enjoying bringing you into our bedtime routine of reading.  You don’t mind Sissy’s princess books, but prefer the ones with big trucks and cars.


You are also so silly!  You vary in emotions so quickly.  Most of the time you yell “No!” when I try and pull out my camera to take a picture, but after ice cream on the first day of school you cried “Purse!” until I pulled my phone out to take a picture of you.  You love getting tickled and pretending to tickle and your giggle is one of the most beautiful sounds that I’ve ever heard.



Despite your typically happy nature, when it comes to food you are about the pickiest.  You love french fries but rarely touch chicken nuggets.  Hot dogs are your love language but we can’t get you to eat any other meat.  You could subsist entirely on fruit (especially banana’s and grapes) but won’t touch a vegetable.  And your most recent obsession is crackers.  One day you ate them for breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner.  I’m of the opinion that you’ll eat when you’re hungry so I’m not stressing about it.  The good news is that you still love the pouches of baby food which we give you every time we go out to eat and send in your lunch to school.  You will gobble down even the yuckiest sounding combinations like spinach, green pea, and pear.  So I’m guessing that you’re getting enough vitamins with your regular intake of those!


I know you love Daddy and I, but I’m not sure that you love anyone more than your Sissy.  When we got to the carpool pickup line on Wednesday you started yelling, “Yay Sissy!” because you knew we were about to pick her up.  Every day when we drop her off at school you get pouty and whine “Sissy school” for a little while until I can get you distracted.  Y’all are each other’s favorite playmates and even though you’re starting to get into the sibling squabbles I’m so thankful that you have each other.

You are talking up a storm these days, even if it’s not always intelligible to everyone else.  Some of your favorites are saying “truck” for every truck that we ever pass in the car (as well as car, bus, big truck, etc).  You love your “ball” and all sports related words, especially when you pretend to hit a ball, yell “Run!” take off running around the house and then roll to the floor in the den while we yell “Safe!”.

You are so much fun little one and I love every second with you.  I’m loving that we’re getting to spend one on one time two morning’s a week while Charlotte’s in school and I love that you love Mrs. Net and Mrs. Su-Su at school too.  You are so sweet and kind and I cherish all the snuggles that you still give me.  You are a joy little boy and I can’t wait to see the boy and man that you grow in to!

Happy Birthday!

I love you every second, of every minute, of every day.



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3 Comment

  1. Reply
    September 6, 2013 at 10:34 am

    Happy second birthday, James! Hope you have a great day! We love you very much!!

    KayKay & GrandDavid

  2. Reply
    September 6, 2013 at 9:05 pm

    Happy Birthday James!! Sweet post 🙂 Love your ending. Isn’t that the truth!?

  3. Reply
    September 7, 2013 at 2:48 pm

    Happy 2nd Birthday Sweet James! We love you!
    Memma and Papa

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