Charlotte, Family

Thankful – Our Kids

In honor of Thanksgiving this week I thought I’d share some of the things that I’m most thankful for.  We’ll start with the little munchkins in my life.

Charlotte and James,

I am so thankful to be your Mom.  Not only do I get to witness all of your joy and delight at discovering the world around you, but I also get to watch you learn to love and trust God.  You are the sweetest to everyone around you and I am especially thankful for how sweet you are to each other.


Y’all love to play with each other.  Whether it’s scooching together in a chair to play with the train book, racing your trucks around the house, helping me clean, or coloring next to each other, there’s no one that you’d rather than with than the other.  Of course, you have your squabbles and occasionally drive each other (and me) crazy, but for the most part you are each others favorite playmate.


Charlotte, you are so sweet to sit and help James and teach him something new.  Whether he’s trying to work a puzzle or trying to reach something on a shelf, you are quick to come to his rescue and help him.  Although, you’re also quick to tell him when he’s doing something against the rules and tell me the same, but I think that’s probably just a four-year old’s black and white view of the world.


James, you love your Sissy and want to be just like her.  For instance, when she pulled out her cowboy boots for the first time this winter, you immediately HAD to have some.  Thankfully we found her old ones and you love wearing them even though they’re two sizes too big.  About halfway through dinner every night you scoot over on the banquette to sit closer to Charlotte and say, “Sissy, friend.”  You also strongly dislike leaving Charlotte at carpool drop off and on days when you go to school you have to wait with her before the bell rings and then yell, “Bye Sissy!” while waving all the way down the hall.  Sometimes on day’s when just Charlotte has school you’ve yelled, “Hooray! Get Sissy!” when we turn in to the parking lot to pick her up.  And no matter how cranky or upset you are waiting in line at car pool, as soon as Charlotte gets in the car you get excited and happy again.


I pray that you’ll always love each other as much as you do now.  I know that your relationship will change as you get older and it won’t always be like this, but I hope you always remember how much you loved playing with each other growing up and how much you taught each other .

Things will definitely change when Percy arrives, but I’m thankful that, so far, you both seem enamored with the idea of another sibling.  You both love kissing my stomach and love to hear how big Percy is each week (I think an avocado this week).  You will be such good helpers when Percy arrives and I look forward to watching all three of you grow up together.

You are such a blessing to your Daddy and I, as well as to all of our family.  You are sweet to everyone, but especially to each other.  We love you so much and love watching the people who you are becoming!



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