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Charity, Faith

Giveaway – Son of God movie tickets!

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I am excited today to team up with Compassion and offer a giveaway of tickets to the new Son of God movie that is coming out tomorrow!  From the creators of the Bible miniseries, Mark Burnett and Roma Downey, comes a movie that spans the entire life of Jesus from his birth to his resurrection.  Told in the format of an action epic, the movie will bring the New Testament alive to you and your family.

I can’t wait to see the movie which is a combination of some scenes shot for the Bible miniseries that aired last spring as well as new shots all reordered and organized with music by Hans Zimmer to tell the most powerful story in history.  Today, Compassion has given me five tickets to give away to my readers.  You can enter through the rafflecopter app below.  I will choose three winners next Thursday, the first two chosen will receive two tickets and the third winner will receive one ticket.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Faith, Personal

Five Minute Friday – See

To find out all the Five Minute Friday details go to Lisa-Jo’s blog here.  But the gist is to write for five minutes, unedited, just for the love of writing.

Today’s word is SEE.

Ready, set, GO.


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When I look in the mirror I see me.  I see a tired Mama.  I see gray hairs and fine lines that are getting less fine by the day.  I see circles under my eyes and, sometimes, eyes with less than desired luster in them.

But what does God see?

When God looks at me I don’t think he sees those things.  I think he sees a Mama who is working hard to do the work that he has placed in front of her.  I think he sees the beautiful creation that he made thirty years ago and not the lines that have accumulated in those thirty years.  I think he sees me as he intended me to be and what he knows I’ll be at the end of my life.  I think he sees all that I’ve succeeded at in the past and all that I will succeed at in the future.

When God looks at me he doesn’t see my mistakes.  Or my failures.  Or my shortcomings or lack of enthusiasm.  He looks at me and sees perfection.  Because when he looks at me he sees Jesus.

I couldn’t ask for someone to see me better than that.

What do my children see when they look at me?

I think they see the one who loves them no matter one.  The one who reads to them and snuggles with them.  Kisses their boo boos and makes their favorite food.  I think they see the one who they think will be there forever.  The one who will always be on their side.  The one who will always take care of them.  I think they probably see safety.  And love.  And rejoicing in themselves.

I pray that they don’t see the days that I’m tired and worn out.  The days that my patience is thin and my desire to read another book five more times is less than stellar.  I pray that when they see me, when they remember me, they see Jesus and all that I was trying to teach them and draw them to.  I pray that they see my failures as only a way to show them Jesus more and to help them grow and know that everyone makes mistakes.

I want to see me the way I think they see me.  The way I see my Mom.


Five Minute FridaySee other posts on the word of the week, SEE, here.


Faith, Personal

Rest and Worship

“The thing” this year it seems is, instead of making New Years Resolutions, to pick a word for the year (Rachel on Lil Light ‘O Mine and BooMama are two good examples).

My first word for 2014 is REST.  Over the past few months I’ve been feeling a pulling to step back and really have a Sabbath.  I feel that I’ve run myself ragged and I’m not leaving the margin in my life that God asks and demands us to have.  In our life it’s not always possible to have an entire day of rest.  I mean, when you’re teaching four year old Sunday School, Sunday’s are anything but restful!  And I began to wonder about just implementing a restful period in each day or each week and whether that would help me refresh enough.

While I haven’t been successful every week, I’ve found that those weeks when I take time to leave everything “undone” for a little while and just nourish my soul I end up having a better week.  Sometimes this means reading the Bible, sometimes it means watching a movie, sometimes it’s just taking a nap.  But by closing off all my “to-do’s” and forgetting the dishes and laundry and myriad other tasks that are a constant around the house, I’m able to give myself a little margin to breathe again and remember who I am and, most importantly, WHOSE I am.  And my life works much better when I remember those things.

So, my first word for 2014 is REST.  And it doesn’t necessarily mean sleep since we all know I’ll be missing out on a lot of that shortly.  And it doesn’t mean neglecting the things I’m in charge of or being lazy.  It just means that I’m going to strive to let go of those things that aren’t my responsibility and rest in the goodness of God’s grace.  Daily — hopefully — but definitely weekly or as often as I can.  I think Matthew 11:28 and 29 make a good case for having a time of rest and how it can help us.

Matthew 11 28 and 29

Jesus asks us to “learn from him” (emphasis mine) and he will give us rest.  I can’t think of a better model for my life than Jesus Christ.

And Psalm 100:2 and 3 offer a great explanation of my second word, WORSHIP.

Psalm 100 2 and 3

Both WORSHIP and REST tie hand in hand because, by worshipping God with time spent in his Word and listening to him daily, I am constantly reminded that God made me and that I am his.  Which, in turn, helps me rest peacefully in his hands because I know that He is God, not me.

2014 is going to be crazy for our family, there’s no doubt about that.  With a new little girl on the way, our big girl starting kindergarten, and a crazy two year old little boy, things are not ever going to be quiet.  But even in the loud and crazy and fun and joyful and wonderful that is our life, I can remember to REST in God and WORSHIP him and I know that my year will be so much better for that.

I’d love to hear if you made resolutions or chose words! Leave a link to a post or tweet or just your goals or words in the comments!  And both of these images are free to download by clicking the image!

Faith, Personal, Uncategorized

Thankful – My God


More than anything else, I am thankful for God.  His love is never-ending and I know that I could never do anything to earn God’s love for me.  It is extravagant, undeserved, full of grace and love and mercy, and so much more.

I am thankful for the freedom to worship and speak about God that we enjoy in this country.  When Charlotte came home last week after their Thanksgiving day she had puppets and could tell me the whole First Thanksgiving story with them.  And she started with two Puritans and said that they left England because “they couldn’t worship God the way they wanted.”  I am thankful for the rich heritage and tradition of our founding fathers and their confidence that we would be able to worship differently in this country and still live together.

Thank you Lord for all that you have blessed my family and myself with.  We love you so much and pray that we reflect your grace and mercy and love every day of our lives.


Faith, Uncategorized

Reconciling Myself with Mercy

Our church did a sermon series this summer using Disney hits as illustrations of the Beatitudes.  As outrageous as it might sound, we have magnificent staff that have turned these Sunday morning’s into thought-provoking and challenging looks at the Beatitudes and what it means to be a follower of Christ.  I was especially moved by the sermon by Wren on “Mercy” using The Pirates of the Caribbean.  So moved in fact that it’s taken me months to get this post actually finished.

Just to refresh your memory, let’s look at Matthew 5:7: “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.”

I don’t know about you but showing mercy doesn’t come easy to me.  I’ve mentioned before that I have a hard time giving others grace and an even harder time giving myself grace.  A lot of times in this fallen world, I equate mercy with acceptance.  I take the mistaken stand that if I extend mercy to this sinner, then I’m condoning their action.

If someone hurts me, and I forgive them and show them mercy, how are they going to learn?

If someone breaks a rule and I show mercy, what’s to stop everyone from breaking the rules?

But the fallacy lies in the fact that (1) I am not their judge and (2) don’t I wish to be shown mercy for my actions — I am far from perfect?

Wren talked about The Holy Island monastery in the UK and how they were set up as a very rigid organization that had an abundance of rules and stiff penalties for any who broke them.  There was one monk who broke the rules by rising too early in the morning and starting his morning praises to God before the appointed time.  He was being asked to leave the monastery by the monk in charge because of his dis-obedience.  Another former leader of the monastery took off his outer robe and spoke up in the man’s defense saying that if the young monk was going to be asked to leave, then he would need to leave to because he too was a sinner.

In looking at this story we see that the leader had given his life to the law.  He was living and acting on the premise that his salvation was conditional on his obedience.  But God says that we aren’t to give our lives to the law, but to him.

“For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 5:20

Following the rules won’t get us anywhere.  Only by accepting Christ and repenting of our sins and accepting God’s rule in our hearts and lives, will we be able to enter “the kingdom of heaven” that Christ spoke of.

We are to totally change our lives and run wholeheartedly towards Jesus knowing that there are things that God asks us to do and rules that he asks us to follow, but our salvation is not conditional on us meeting those qualifications perfectly, because we never will.

Wren reminded us that each and every one of us matter.  God loves us regardless of our sins.  But this verse, Matthew 5:7, says that those who show mercy will receive mercy.  Doesn’t this seem a little contradictory to the idea that we have already received mercy and that we can’t earn our salvation?

It does seem like that, but in actuality, our freedom in Christ’s death frees us from the law and frees us to show mercy to others.  We have to be his hands and feet by being his salt and light.  We have to show mercy like God has shown it to us.  We need to ask and seek where we can truly be merciful.  We need to use our lives to reflect God’s grace by showing the mercy that he has given us to others.

What freedom in understanding that.  What relief at recognizing that God doesn’t have me on a scale weighing my sins versus my positive actions.  And if God is not doing that to me, why in the world would I do it to myself or someone else?

Do you have any verses that you go back to when you’re struggling with showing yourself or others mercy? I’d love to hear them!


Charlotte, Faith, Family


And now after my big, long post on how I’m moving this blog to less of a recap of our lives, here is a recap of Easter weekend! 🙂
We started our Easter weekend off with a little egg hunt at the clubhouse.  Neither child was interested in the Easter Bunny but they were excited to hunt for some eggs!  Charlotte discovered the fun of hiding and searching for Easter Eggs the week before Easter and couldn’t wait to do it on a bigger scale.

James had a blast picking up eggs!

I was glad that it was such a beautiful day, even if it was a little chilly!  We had a fun morning and then enjoyed a yummy brunch!
We woke up Sunday morning to a dreary and overcast day.  But that didn’t diminish our excited that Jesus is Alive!

I have to say that I think these are the two best looking kiddo’s around.  They looked so precious and so GROWN UP in their Easter best!

We headed to church and heard a great Sermon about how Easter can change us.  Charlotte rejoiced that she got real food as snacks in Sunday School (raisins, bread, and “water that we pretended was wine” — we’re not in the Baptist church anymore! Ha!).  And James rejoiced when we got him out of the nursery but was totally confused by the rain that we walked through to get to the car from church!

We hosted my Mom’s family for lunch after church and had a great time showing our family our new home and relaxing with everyone.  We also enjoyed celebrating my Gramme’s birthday!

Even though the weather was more reminiscent of what I would expect Easter Saturday weather to be like, we still enjoyed celebrating Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday!  We hope that you enjoyed a restful day as well!