Charlotte, Family, Hadley, Weddings

Our August

Because I am so behind, I’m just going to hit the high points of most of August. These months with three have been a whirlwind but I don’t want to forget what was going on.

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James continued to come in to his personality and it sure is a big one! He hammed it up while I was trying to get a picture for his birthday invitation.


And this one continues to figure out who she is and I’m amazed with every facet of her being. She is gorgeous inside and out!


We had a family movie afternoon watching Finding Nemo and now the kids are all about Nemo.


Hadley went to big church of the first time. I held her during the service and she (and my arms!) fell asleep.



The big kids enjoyed trying out their new umbrellas on a sunny day. Their raincoats and umbrellas came in handy last week when it was raining cats and dogs and we had to get to school! James called it his “Wooo Wooo” jacket because it has fire engine’s on it and that’s the sound he says they make.


Jason took the bigs to the driving range and they loved it. They were very proud that some of their balls even made it past the flat area that you hit off of!


Memma gave James a Peter Pan costume and he was mesmerized with himself as Peter Pan. He’s going to be the cutest little boy on Halloween!


There was lots of accessorizing going on at our house! I love that Charlotte has her own sense of style and it doesn’t bother her if it’s a little wild. I’m happy to let her pick her own, unique outfits and play around with different styles as long as she wants to. I know all too soon she’ll want the “cool” outfits like everyone else and I want her to always feel confident in her own choices and style.


With the start of school means lots of time spent in carpool line which means lots of fun conversations with this little man. I learn a lot waiting for Sissy to get in the car. Mostly that he most likes to play with Claire at school and that he is SILLY!


Charlotte is still drawing all the time. The picture on top is her self portrait from the first week of school. And bottom is a coloring page of Elsa that she recreated on a blank piece of paper. She is so creative!


James continued his love affair with his sunglasses including wearing them almost constantly. Even while he was eating peanut butter out of a spoon. At least it’s protein y’all.


Charlotte spent some time in August raising money for our regional NICU. She joined some friends for Swim for Melissa and was so proud to help the tiny babies and enjoyed swimming some laps and getting a new t-shirt for her efforts. Thank you so much to all those who helped support her by donating money. It’s a wonderful cause that changes the lives of so many in our area and it was a great experience teaching Charlotte about giving to others and generosity.



We also celebrated Mary and Joel’s wedding in August. It was a beautiful wedding and we are so happy for them. James especially had fun at the reception as he went around asking a few different bridesmaids to dance!


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