First Year Months, Hadley

Hadley at Five Months

2014 10 09_0235_edited-1

Hadley Grace,

I’m in denial that you are already five months old. You are no longer a newborn or even an infant, you are a full on baby! You are moving around and interacting with us and we are all loving every second of you sweet girl. You complete our family and we are so thankful for your sweet spirit and fun personality that is starting to shine through!

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At five months we are hard pressed to find you without something in your mouth. We keep thinking that you’re teething but no teeth have shown up yet but you love chewing on your hands, your toes, our hands, toys…basically anything you can get your hands on. I’m just glad for my germaphobic self that you can’t touch much that’s too dirty yet!

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You are also all smiles. You cry sometimes but usually not for very long and can be soothed pretty easily with snuggling. You give out smiles freely to everyone but especially love your Sissy and Bubba. And you’ve just started noticing Luca a lot also and send smiles his way.

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You are a really good sleeper these days. I finally just quit getting up around 4 when you’d cry and you, most of the time, sleep until wish these days. Sometimes you wake up earlier but will get yourself back to sleep. Your schedule is usually to eat at 7am, 11am, 2:30 pm, 5:30pm, and 8pm. You nap all of those cycles but only for 30-45 minutes during the last cycle if at all. You tried rice cereal a few days before your five month birthday and loved it! But then didn’t sleep great for the next few days so we’re holding off giving it to you consistently. Also, Mommy can’t handle much more in her morning’s so rice cereal is on the back burner until you need it! All those meals mean that you’re growing like a weed. You wear 3-6 month, 6 month, and even some small 9 month outfits and wear a size two diaper.

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This month you have mastered your grip and can hold on to toys or, your favorite, hair. You are great pushing up on your legs and standing in your exersaucer and are wobbly but getting steadier at sitting up. You are great holding yourself up though if I hold you on my hip which breaks my heart a little each time because how are you old enough to be on my hip!?!? We set your high chair up at the table and you prefer to sit in it while we’re eating so that you can see everyone.

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We love you so much Hadley. You are beautiful and we get comments from everyone who sees you about how gorgeous you are. God created you in His image and you are a beautiful reflection of his love for you. In addition to your outward beauty, we can’t wait to see what God does in your heart which is infinitely more important. You are an amazing creature of God Hadley and he has a special plan just for you. Never fear to let Him guide your life because the plan that He has chosen for you far exceeds any plan that you or I could dream up.

You will always be my baby and while I’m sad to watch you pass on your tiny baby stage, I am in awe watching God’s plan unfold in your little life. I love you sweet pea. Every second of every minute of every day.

love, Mommy


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1 Comment

  1. Reply
    October 18, 2014 at 10:36 am

    We wish you a very Happy 5 months birthday, sweet Hadley!
    Love, KayKay & GrandDavid

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