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Friends, Personal, Throw Back Thursday

Throw Back Thursday

Aug 2003 Bid Day SC, MBC, LF

Bid Day 2003.  This was my first year in the house during rush (as it was still called then) and I’m pretty sure none of us looked as tired as we actually were (ahh, the beauty of youth).  Bid Day in Tuscaloosa is always the hottest day of the year and this year was no exception.  I got really hot at the Texas A&M game last fall in Texas but I still don’t think it compares to Bid Day’s of years past.

Things I remember for rush that year: getting bit on my back by a spider that must have been hiding in my skit costume and feeling like I was going to die during voting that night; having a girl I love get dropped (it happens to everyone at some point during their years in the house); being so worried about make sure I remembered girls names and did everything right for them when they were in the house; and also getting to spend so much time with my pledge sisters and having a lot of fun even though we were all tired of being cooped up in the house.

Rush/Recruitment is a beast all of it’s own.  This was the only year that I was in the house during rush because I joined the Panhellenic Executive Board the next year.  And while all my memories aren’t fond of that time, a lot of them are and I’m still so proud to be an Alpha Chi Omega!



30by30 – The Final Update

I stopped updating my 30by30 list every month back in September — I guess that was when my pregnancy really kicked in and I started napping every day.  And, I have to say, that I’m rather disappointed with what I managed to accomplish on this list.  But I will blame my pregnancy which took over half of my 29th year for at least some of the lack of accomplishment.  I’ve worked over the past few weeks to finish up a few items and I still think that it was a good try at a very time intensive list!

30 by 30 Tales of a Peanut_edited_1

1. Go to Paris – went in April!
2. Implement a chore chart with the kids and myself – Didn’t implement a chart but did get the kids to start understanding the concept of chores and start helping around the house when asked.  I’ll call that a win.
3. Implement a menu schedule – I modified my Pinterest boards into Recipes I haven’t tried and Recipes that I have made and enjoyed which helps me remember our favorites.  And, for a while, I was trying new recipes to share in Recipe Wednesday posts but have been throwing together quick things for the past month or so due to tiredness.  Maybe actually implement a schedule once we get on one after Hadley arrives?
4. Get Supper Club going again – we did good in the fall but slacked in the spring, hoping to get one more dinner in before Hadley comes
5. Attend dotMom in the fall – hotel room was booked and is now cancelled since I’ve decided not to go
6. Throw a Christmas Party – we had a great one!
7. Plan a “Light ‘Em Up” program for us to do in the summer – neither the summer program nor the Christmas Light Em Up happened, I need to be more prepared in advance this year and blame our December Disney trip, my getting sick while Jason traveled, and our Christmas party for not getting to this.
8. Become more proficient with Photoshop & organize my pictures – I haven’t totally cleaned out all of my old pictures (i.e. deleting those that are out of focus, etc) but I did get everything more organized and feel like I’ve grown a lot in my Photoshop knowledge in the past year
9. Finish my 2011 One Tale a Day Blurb book – nope
10. Complete the 2012 OTAD pictures – Ha!
11. Make a 2012 OTAD Blurb book – Ha!
12. Complete the 2013 OTAD pictures – Ha!
13. Make a 2013 OTAD Blurb book – Ha!
14. Make blog books up to present day – Ha! I had way too high of ambitions for these.  Each book takes a really long time to prepare and I just am barely having time to keep up with the blog and my shop to work on books.  I really want to, but so far haven’t found time to work on them.
15. Start an Etsy shop – Yay, it’s open!
16. Go on a by-ourselves date with Jason every month – We were fairly regular with our dates this year and tried to make them a priority which was nice.  We even had a weekend to ourselves while the kids were at my in-laws the last weekend in March!
17. Re-vamp the blog design – DONE!
18. Re-learn all about my camera and start taking great pictures
19. Take pictures of and blog about the new house (complete all my unfinished projects!) – I did get some additional posts up but there are still things that I want to blog about.  And things are always changing so I want to update some posts already.  I think this will be a continuous goal.
20. Be more diligent about keeping up with friends – I think I did better at being more cognizant of checking on others and asking how I can pray or help.  At least I like to think I did!
21. Take kids to Disney World – Went in December
22. Cook at least two new recipes every month – I think I probably did this, see #3 for more details
23. Re-start and finish reading the Bible in a year – Completed it and it was so wonderful! I highly encourage you to give it a try even if it takes a couple years like it took me!
24. Get kids into doing Random Acts of Kindness together – kind of tied in to #7 and something that I didn’t get to but want to
25. Start learning Bible Verses with the kids – I made more of an effort to work on their school and Sunday School verses but we hadn’t started doing our ABC Scripture Cards like I want to
26. Write 30 letters to friends and family telling them what they mean to me
27. Start some type of exercise program – Jason and I were really close to finishing Couch to 5k when I started getting sick because of the pregnancy and couldn’t make myself get up at 5am to run.  I am really looking forward to restarting this at the end of the summer though and hope to run my first 5k sometime in the fall.  I enjoyed it MUCH more than I thought I would!
28. Get our family eating more whole/real foods – We’ve transitioned a lot of things to more whole foods but still have a long way to go.  Baby steps.
29. Learn something new (computer language, language, cooking style, way to fix my hair…..) – I’m going to count Illustrator even though I’m far from proficient yet
30. Spend more time in the moment, cherishing my family – If you’re going to be resting a lot that typically means you’re getting in lots of snuggles! One benefit to not feeling so great because you’re pregnant!
Books, Christmas, Gift Giving, Hadley, Personal, Shopping

Put Me In the Story


Back in November, Courtney DeFeo hosted a series on her blog called #SHOPWISER giving everyone options of how they could shop for Christmas in a wiser way.  And some of the items that she was featuring included giveaways.  I loved the concept and found a lot of Christmas gifts this way.  I also, of course, entered for all of the giveaways.

(FYI, I typically enter for giveaways even if I don’t need something because number of entries on giveaways are a big indicator for others who might do giveaways in the future and I want to support the bloggers and those giving away items.  Just my two cents, but if possible, enter for giveaways even if you personally couldn’t use something.  You can always donate it to someone who can if you win or let the blogger know to draw another winner.)

I was SO EXCITED when Courtney let me know that I had won a personalized book by Marianne Richmond!  I had purchased “If I Could Keep You Little” when Charlotte was younger and she loves it still so I thought it would be neat to start our new baby’s book collection with a personalized book that was all theirs.  At the time we didn’t know what we were having yet, but they let me wait to order the book until we found out that Hadley was coming and picked out her name.

Hadley’s book came ages ago and I’ve been meaning to share with you about it but am just doing so now because we’ve been putting the final touches on her room and I remembered to photograph it.  I love reading it with Hadley’s name in it.  Her name isn’t on every page but it’s on a lot of them, including my favorite page that makes me smile since both of my kids have picked out their own clothes since they were about 18 months old.


You can even write a little dedication and insert a picture at the front of the book.  We didn’t do the picture since we don’t have one of Hadley yet but I loved getting to write a dedication to her before she was even born!



Put Me in the Story has lots of books available for personalization by lots of authors, but I love Marianne’s especially because they are filled with beautiful hand drawn art and say the things that I want my kids to remember me saying to them.

Thanks Courtney for helping me start Hadley’s library collection off with a book that’s just for her and not one handed down by her siblings!

**I was given this book for free as part of a giveaway but a review and links were not required or requested as part of this giveaway.  None of these links are affiliate links and I don’t get anything for sharing this with you or if you purchase a book.  Please see my link/review disclosures for more information.



Pinterest Fail – Planting Seeds in Ice Cream Cones

I pretty much have a black thumb.  I wish that I loved plants and getting all dirty and making them grow, because I love the way that plants and flowers look, but I have very little interest in getting them into a full grown state and maintaining them.  That lack of interest means I often forget about them which causes them, of course, to die.

In a case of opposites attract, Jason loves plants and planting and gardening and making things grow.  Which is great, as long as I can sit in the air conditioning all clean while he’s outside in the heat getting dirty.  So when he mentioned a few weeks ago that he saw some seeds at the store and thought that the kids would like to grow some, I thought, “Hey! I can actually pitch in because I saw a pin on Pinterest about starting seeds!”  At which point I showed him said pin and my entire Gardening board thinking that he would be super impressed with my interest and shortcut knowledge.

He wasn’t so sure about the seeds in ice cream cone idea but agreed that it would be neat if it worked and that the kids would get a kick out of it.  So he bought the seeds and the cones and he and the kids proceeded to plant 24 ice cream cones with seeds and dirt.  And then we witnessed an epic Pinterest fail.  The picture from the pin is on the left, our actual ice cream cones are on the right.

IMG_5339I don’t know how whoever came up with this ice cream cone idea and took this picture got their cones to stand up and last long enough to get huge sprouts of seeds but ours definitely didn’t turn out that way.  No matter how much or how little water was added to the cones they all started to collapse almost immediately.  And after a few days they were starting to mold with no signs of sprouts so we had to toss them.

On the positive side our house did smell very much like an ice cream shop for a few days!



A look at my 20’s

So I’m turning 30 this month.

I have mixed feelings about it.

On one hand, I’m excited.  My 20’s have been great and life changing and fantastic, but I’m looking forward to watching my kids get older and move into new phases and moving into a new phase of our life.

On the other hand, I’m kind of dreading it.  But that’s mostly because I’ve been poking fun at Jason for being an “old man” for the past 13 months and, while I’ll still be able to do it, giving him a hard time when we’re both in our 30’s doesn’t seem as fun.  And I’m a little afraid of paybacks.

A few years ago one of our friends and photographer (I call her ours because she takes all of our pictures, but you, of course, can have her take your family’s photos as well), posted a blog right before she turned 30.  I loved the recap of each year of her 20s and knew that I wanted to do a look back like that when it was my turn.  And I couldn’t get over her comment that she wasn’t going to flip out about an age until she turned 34 because that was the first age that she remembered her Mom being and so, to her, being 34 meant being her Mom.

I’m pretty sure that the first age that I remember my Mom being was 32 so I’ve still got two more years until I officially reach that age, but to me my Mom’s always seemed like she’s in her 30s.  She and Dad got married right out of college and had me right before their second anniversary so she’s YOUNG!  It seems like all of my growing up years the answer was thirty-something when I was asked how old my Mom was since she didn’t move out of her 30s until I turned 16.  And while I embrace being like my Mom because, let’s face it, she’s awesome, I’m not exactly sure that I’m ready to be a full fledged grown up.

But I guess time determines that more than your feelings and, in reality, I’ve been pretty grown up for years now seeing as I’m about to have my third child.  Just for a second though, let’s look back at all that happened to me in the last decade.  It really was wonderful and included so many fantastic things and changed my life in so many ways!

Sessions Sarah Bell 7-04At 20, I spent a month of my summer interning in Washington, DC with Senator Jeff Sessions.  It was scary and lonely and amazing and so much fun.  I met my friend Sarah and we got to experience the world of national politics together which was loads of fun.  That was also my first year on our Panhellenic Exec as the Judicial Board Chairman while we were trying to implement lots of changes to our recruitment policies at the mandating of nationals.  I remember a lot of tears and isolation through that but I also grew up a lot as I worked with administration, chapter Presidents, and National officers to try and get our sorority system in line with National standards.

05 Cocktail JEAt 21 some of my pledge sisters were starting to get married and the end of college was looking imminent.  I spent my summer in Tuscaloosa working on NPC Exec work and enjoyed my last recruitment of college by welcoming three girls that I loved from my hometown into my sorority.  Jason and I got engaged that fall as did my roommate so things turned into full out wedding planning mode.  In the spring I received a job offer and Jason and I found a place to live and looked forward to getting married.

Graduation 5-13-06 014 Wednesday Night22 was a big year for me in that I graduated from The University of Alabama, started a new job, and got married.  We honeymooned in Mexico before going back to the real world (me at work and Jason at school) and had to learn how to adjust to being married and “grown up” in a college town.  I got Luca for Jason as a one month anniversary present.  In the spring we started figuring out what we were going to do after Jason graduated which included another job opportunity for me, that I eventually turned down, and house hunting in North Alabama.

UA at Ole Miss 10-13-07 003

At 23, Jason and I bought our first home and were settling into married life with both of us working.  I was working from home and he was going in to the office which required a whole new set of adjustments but we were figuring out the whole married thing.  We met some great friends and started hanging out with them a lot and got involved with a wonderful Sunday School class.  We decided that we were ready for kids during this year but the Lord thought we needed a little more time which turned into a real growing season in our marriage.

Thomas and Hilary's WeddingAt 24, we got pregnant and then found out that we were having a little girl.  My parents dog Lucky died.  We also got to celebrate with friends who got married and those that had children.  We took a baby moon to Rosemary Beach and then a family trip back down there in the spring. And, I started a blog!

IMG_087225 was the year that I really grew up.  Charlotte joined our family and my life changed forever on that day.  I never imagined that I could love someone like I loved her.  I decided to stay at home with her which was the most wonderful and hardest time over that first winter.  We sold our house and bought a new one closer to my parents.  We introduced Charlotte to Alabama football and then took her all the way to Pasadena for the National Championship game.

7-17 jason and jennAt 26, Jason and I took a couple’s trip to New York after I stopped nursing Charlotte.  We enjoyed the chance to just be adults again.  Jason changed jobs and took a voluntary reduction in work force at his old job to give him a few weeks off at home with us before starting his new job.  The time between finding out that his job was going to start laying off and when he found a new job was very stressful for us.  We took Charlotte to Orlando and Animal Kingdom for the bowl game after Christmas and as soon as we got home found out that James was on the way. We found out that our best friends were leaving the state to return to their hometown and enjoyed one last trip with them skiing before they moved.

IMG_7748_edited-127 was a busy year that started with a bang in April with tornado’s hitting our state and the SouthEast extremely hard leaving us without power for a week.  In addition, I chaired the live auction for the Miracle Bash in August and our family of three became a family of four with James’ arrival in September.  Our fall was spent going back and forth to football games and being worried about my grandparents as my grandmother recovered from a horrible fall and my grandfather’s cancer began winning the battle.  We lost MyPapa in October and then muddled through our first set of holiday’s without him.  In January, Jason and I got away by ourselves in New Orleans for the Championship game.

IMG_2577_edited-1We started year 28 with the kids first trip to the beach. As if our life wasn’t crazy enough, we decided to purchase a lot and build a home.  Thankfully we were able to sell ours fairly quickly which meant that we moved in with Mom and Dad for about three months before we moved in to our new house.  I felt like we were getting into a routine with James turning one and Charlotte, three.  Even though the year was busy, we were adjusted to being a family of four.

IMG_2043At 29, Jason and I started it off with a very belated 5 year anniversary trip to Paris.  Getting away together for such a long period of time was so nice and we loved exploring a new country.  Charlotte turned four and we were content with our family and right before James’ 2nd birthday we found out that Hadley was on the way.  What had become our new normal quickly shifted as I spent the beginning of my pregnancy very sick.  We took the kids to Disney (perfectly timed in my pregnancy, thank you Lord!) and had a blast.  And have spent our time since then looking forward to Hadley’s arrival and trying to prepare to become a family of five.

As I look back at my twenties I see how many things changed.  This decade made me a wife and a mother.  Taught me about living while my heart beats outside of my body in two little bodies.  Introduced me again to grief and the fact that this world is not our home.  I began to worry less about what others thought of me and more about what God did.  I changed from an idealistic twenty year old who saw the world in mostly black and white to someone who accepts and acknowledges the gray.  My twenties might always be the decade that changed my life the most and I’m grateful for all that I’ve learned in them and how much I now know I still have to learn.  I’m now looking forward to seeing what God has in store for my thirties.  I trust that no matter what, it will draw me closer to Him and to His plan for my life.

Books, Personal

Around the Web

– Don’t forget that Surprised by Motherhood by Lisa-Jo Baker comes out in one week!  I’ve seen on instagram that it’s already out in some stores so you might want to check if you’re in a bookstore.  It is a fantastic read!  You can read a longer review of it in this post.

Blurb has some good deals going on right now and I wanted to share them with you.  You can make any kind of books on Blurb but small ones for grandparents would make great Mother’s Day or Father’s Day gifts!

Save 25% on all print book orders of $75+ through 3/27/14

Save 15% on all print book orders through 4/30/14

*These links are affiliate links. Check out my link/review disclosures for more information.

– Seeing as my brother moved to LA a few weeks ago (Boo hoo!) we were all over the news about the Earthquake centered in Westwood (where he moved!) last week.  This article about how a journalist has written a script to auto write his stories about earthquakes was really neat to me seeing as I’m a big computer nerd, but the possibilities of scripts like this are endless and I wonder if more and more people will start using this method over the coming years.

– I’m about to make the rest of the big purchases for what is needed before Hadley gets here and one thing that I’m doing is ordering cloth diapers.  Any links to posts or articles on the web about this or, even better, first hand experience about what I actually need or don’t would be greatly appreciated!

– You’ve got a couple more days to enter the #LilEasterGiveaway at Lil Light ‘O Mine!  Four big Easter baskets are up for grabs and if you’re not reading Courtney’s blog already, why aren’t you?!?!

– I am neck-deep in trying to figure out where to send our kids for school after Charlotte finishes kindergarten next year at the church school where we are currently attending (they only go through kindergarten).  I’m compiling lots of research on the new Common Core standards but it’s hard to know what’s true and what’s just bias or agenda.  I’m just digging into the claims on this What Is Common Core page but would love to know if you have other sites that I should check out for quality, fact check-able information. (PS This is not to start a debate but is something that I’m very concerned about and am trying to gather all the facts.  I am in research mode and have not made a final decision but ask that you please keep any comments about this civil and respectable to all who might read.)

– I saw this literacy challenge on Cupcakes and Commentary and was surprised that I had only read 24 of the 100 books! I need to add some of these to my “TO READ” list!

– If you’re looking to do some shopping, head over to Kelly’s Korner and check out those businesses listed in her Show Us What You Make/Sell post.  Lots of great small businesses!

– Have you heard of St. Paul and the Broken Bones? They’re a new soul band out of Birmingham and their sound is very interesting!

– Jason passed this highly interesting read along to me a couple weeks ago and I just got around to reading it.  It’s about how a family was able to connect with their regressively autistic son through Disney movies.  It’s a long read but very, very interesting.

It’s Spring Break here this week but we’re just hanging out at home.  Hope your week is relaxing like we’re trying to make ours be!