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Throw Back Thursday

Family, Throw Back Thursday, Weddings

Throw Back Thursday



It just so happens that today is my parents 32nd wedding anniversary, so I thought that I’d share a picture of them leaving their reception.  I am so thankful for the wonderful example of a Godly marriage that they have shown me for my whole life.  They still love each other so much and enjoy spending time together.  It’s been said that the greatest gift that parents can give their children is to love their spouse and I wholeheartedly agree with that statement.

Thanks Mom and Dad for all that you’ve taught me over the years and for loving each other through it all.  Happy Anniversary!

Friends, Throw Back Thursday

Throw Back Thursday

3-01 Collosseum

There were teachers in my high school who planned a trip to Europe for students every year.  It wasn’t associated with the school or any group and was just a trip that we could sign up for.  My Junior year the trip was to Italy and most of my friends and I signed up for the trip.  We traveled during spring break (March 2001) and hit all the high points of Italy like Venice, Rome, Florence, Capri, Pompeii, etc.  It was an amazing trip and I still have wonderful memories of it.  Here we were at the Coliseum!

And, just in case Rachel happens to read my blog, Happy Birthday! She’s the one on the far right and today is her birthday!


Family, Throw Back Thursday

Throw Back Thursday

Anticipating a lack of time to do much posting once Hadley arrives, I’ve scheduled a number of these Throw Back Thursday’s to post for the foreseeable future.  I hope you’re enjoying seeing and hearing some stories from the past as much as I’m enjoying sharing them!

3-87 Jenn and Char

In keeping with the new baby theme, here’s a picture from right after Charlie was born in March of 1987.  I was weeks away from turning three and look like a pretty proud Big Sister in this picture.  Although, if you believe everything you hear, I wasn’t too keen on sharing the spotlight with a little brother on his birth day and kept asking to be taken to get slushies at the gas station across the street finally succumbing to them and getting very sick.  Welcome to the world little brother!

It is hard to believe that Charlie’s lived across the country for two months now.  We still miss him like crazy but are praying for God to direct his steps and keep him safe while he’s out there on the West Coast.  I am thankful for all that he taught me growing up and, if I had to be the Big Sister to anyone, I’m glad that I’m his Big Sister!


Family, Throw Back Thursday

Throw Back Thursday

4-84 Hospital

Since we’re about to be seeing lots of hospital and baby pictures, I thought I’d share one of me when I was born today.  So let’s go back to April of 1984.

When I finally arrived on that Friday in April, I was almost a month late.  Back then there were no growth ultrasounds (or any ultrasounds that Mom’s doctor used) and, I guess, doctors were less leery of letting a woman go past term or didn’t believe that they actually were past term.  When Mom finally went into labor it took two days before I made my appearance and she says that she signed the papers for a c-section TWICE without getting one.  (I shudder just thinking about it and can’t even imagine!)  When I was born, it is said that I was blue and looked like a Smurf and the doctor realized his mistake.  He allegedly commented that I was a month old baby and not just a newborn.  Thankfully, I was fine and turned less blue as time went on.

Over the years I’ve heard this story many, many times.  The long standing joke in my family is that I was “fixing my hair.”  Sitting here a day before meeting our third child I can’t imagine anticipating a child’s arrival only to have it be delayed for almost a month.  And I definitely can’t imagine going a month past this point now and still being pregnant!  I’m thankful that God saw fit to take care of me and Mom in that time, but sure am glad that now there is no question of how old your child is in utero and no one goes that late anymore!

Family, Throw Back Thursday

Throw Back Thursday

Easter 99

Easter 1999.  We took this picture in front of Gramme and Papa’s house.  I was still recovering from surgeries from my car accident the previous summer and I think was about to have another surgery on my left arm.  My arms couldn’t straighten any more than they were in the picture and my physical therapists said that they would never straighten any farther.

As a parent now, looking back, I can’t imagine how Mom and Dad felt on that Easter Sunday with all that had gone on in the past year.  But I don’t remember them ever showing me any of their fears or worries, only showing me love and grace.  I am so thankful for them and all that they have done for me throughout my life.  And especially thankful to them for raising me to know how special Easter was and is.


Friends, Personal, Throw Back Thursday

Throw Back Thursday

Aug 2003 Bid Day SC, MBC, LF

Bid Day 2003.  This was my first year in the house during rush (as it was still called then) and I’m pretty sure none of us looked as tired as we actually were (ahh, the beauty of youth).  Bid Day in Tuscaloosa is always the hottest day of the year and this year was no exception.  I got really hot at the Texas A&M game last fall in Texas but I still don’t think it compares to Bid Day’s of years past.

Things I remember for rush that year: getting bit on my back by a spider that must have been hiding in my skit costume and feeling like I was going to die during voting that night; having a girl I love get dropped (it happens to everyone at some point during their years in the house); being so worried about make sure I remembered girls names and did everything right for them when they were in the house; and also getting to spend so much time with my pledge sisters and having a lot of fun even though we were all tired of being cooped up in the house.

Rush/Recruitment is a beast all of it’s own.  This was the only year that I was in the house during rush because I joined the Panhellenic Executive Board the next year.  And while all my memories aren’t fond of that time, a lot of them are and I’m still so proud to be an Alpha Chi Omega!