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Charlotte, Hadley

Picture Perfect

Near the beginning of June, I gave Hadley a bath and dressed her in this beautiful lavender gown.  She looked so gorgeous that I had to lay her on our (very wrinkled) comforter and get some pictures.  She is so gorgeous and takes my breath away!

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Charlotte, Personal

Dance, Dance, Dance

Charlotte’s second showcase was the last weekend of May.  All of the pre-school dance classes were princesses and Charlotte’s class got to be Ariel.  Charlotte was over the moon about this in the fall when she found out but wished that she could have been Elsa by the time showcase came around.  Thank goodness that no one was Anna or Elsa or I think the non-Frozen princess classes would have revolted!

As it was, our little Ariel was very excited about Showcase this year.  She did fantastic at dress rehearsal and did amazing at the show.  She also got to enjoy dancing next to one of her best friends, Mimi, which made it even more fun.  We’re so proud of Charlotte and how much she loves dance!




And a post from showcase wouldn’t be complete without including one of Charlotte and her dance icon, Abby.  Charlotte loves watching Abby dance and Abby is GOOD — like really, really, really good!  Charlotte says that she wants to dance like Abby when she grows up and I can’t wait to see if that comes true.  Abby and her friends are very sweet to Charlotte and I think Charlotte thinks that she’s a star because whenever they catch sight of her they start whispering, “There’s Abby’s cousin! There’s Abby’s cousin!”  We are so thankful to be in a studio that embraces our Christian values and has so many sweet girls for the young ones to look up to.




Charlotte, Family, Hadley

Get Set to Get Wet

A few years ago I found a flower sprinkler on sale and purchased it thinking that Charlotte would love it.  Then came James and now Hadley and we still hadn’t gotten it out!  So on a hot weekend day Jason set it up during nap time and the kids were excited to get to play in the sprinkler when they got up!

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It took Daddy running through with her a couple times before Charlotte was brave enough to attack it on her own.  Her squeals and laughter every time she ran through were wonderful to hear!

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James stayed on the edges of the water most of the time but enjoyed getting a little wet!

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Where was Hadley during all this fun? She was snoozing in her bouncer in the shade on the porch.  Next year I’m sure she’ll be out there with Charlotte and James too!


Charlotte, Family, Hadley

The rest of our hospital stay

With a c-section, my doctor likes you to stay a full three days after delivery.  I learned after pushing to leave the hospital after two days with James that she wants you to stay that long for a reason.  So, even though I was going stir crazy and couldn’t wait to get home, we settled in and conceded that we would stay in the hospital until Monday.  This extended stay meant lots of two on one time for Jason and I with Hadley as well as lots of visitors.

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It’s hard to believe that these two beautiful girls are mine!

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Uncle Kevin and Aunt Stefanie came to visit on Saturday night.  After the kids left to go to KayKay and GrandDavid’s we got to eat and spend some time hanging out with Kevin and Stefanie which was very nice!

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Sunday was Mother’s Day.  It was nice to spend it with another sweet little baby, but my postpartum hormones were all over the place and I woke up Sunday morning devastated that I wasn’t getting to spend the day with all three of my babies.  So I requested that they come back before lunch and Kay and David were nice enough to agree.  Even though it’s the hardest thing that I’ve ever done, I am thankful every day that I get to be Mommy to these three beautiful children!

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We enjoyed lots of visitors around lunchtime and enjoyed the rest of Mother’s Day.

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By Monday morning we were DONE with the hospital and very ready to get home.  Unfortunately, there were delays in discharging us and I was, again, very emotional by the time it was time to go home.  I’m sure I was but I don’t remember being quite so all over the place after the births of the other two.  Once we were given the ok to leave we were quick to head out.  It seemed crazy to be heading home with another little one but we couldn’t have been happier!

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I would be remiss in talking about our hospital stay if I didn’t mention the beautiful name painting that graced Hadley’s door.  For each of our kids I’ve had a painting personalized with their names for the hospital door and then, once we got home, their door at home.  Hadley was no different and I had probably one of my oldest friends, Catherine, add her name to one of her beautiful paintings.  We got an enormous amount of compliments on it during our hospital stay and I love how it graces the entrance to her room now that we’re home!

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Happy Birthday to Charlotte!

Charlotte’s actual 5th birthday ended up being on the last day of school due to the addition of snow days from the winter.  She couldn’t have been more excited because it meant that she got to celebrate at school!

Charlotte requested Dunkin Donut powdered sugar donut holes so after I dropped and James off at school I went back through DD and then headed back to school to treat her class.  Charlotte was just getting her birthday crown on when I got back.  She was so excited to be celebrating her birthday with her friends!




After school Charlotte requested a family trip to the pool.  So Memma and Papa and KayKay and GrandDavid joined us for an afternoon of watching Charlotte swim and dinner.  While we waited for our dinner to arrive, Charlotte opened her presents!  As I’m sure you can imagine, it was a Frozen kind of birthday!

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The rest of the weekend we continued celebrating Charlotte as she enjoyed time with family and her new presents!




It’s hard to believe that our little girl is FIVE years old! But we sure are thankful for the past five years! And we can’t wait to see what the next five bring.


Charlotte, Family, Hadley

Hadley meets the family

Once we arrived in our room it was time to let Hadley meet the family.  We started out by letting the person who had been not-so-patiently awaiting Hadley’s arrival…Big Sister Charlotte!

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Charlotte was so excited to finally get to hold Hadley.  She exclaimed over how beautiful she was and how little she was.  But I think being in the bed with me and being afraid that she was going to hurt me accidentally made her a little antsy so it was a short love fest.

Next up was Big Brother James!  He wanted to hold Hadley but wasn’t as taken with her and was quick to want down.  His big questions were asking “She have toes? She have hands?” since she was all wrapped up and he couldn’t see them!

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And then our first picture as a family of five!

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The grandparents got a chance to meet Hadley next.  And, as I’m sure you can expect, they were all totally wrapped around her finger the moment they saw her.

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After Charlotte and James went home for naps we had a few more visitors.  Unfortunately, I also had some serious bouts with nausea so we didn’t get to visit with all of them.  But by late afternoon our visitors started again and I was, thankfully, feeling better.  Seeing Gramme walk into my room very steadily and hold Hadley made me feel even better!

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The big kids came back to eat dinner with us and get some more snuggle time.

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And this picture cracks me up.  If you can’t tell, Hadley’s head is between both of their lips in this picture!
